Solo & Ensemble Festival
tbd | Correia Middle School
4302 Valeta Street, San Diego CA 92017

The CMEA Solo & Ensemble Festival provides students with the opportunity to perform either a solo or in a small ensemble and receive clinic-style feedback and written evaluation from an experienced adjudicator. The CMEA-SBS Solo & Ensemble Festival is open to students in grades 4-12 Instrumental, Voice, Guitar, and Piano.
Performance Times
- Performance times have been scheduled. While every effort was made to honor special scheduling requests, we cannot guarantee all requests could be met. Therefore, all times are now final and cannot be changed.
- The Solo & Ensemble Festival is occurring at Correia Middle School. (4302 Valetta St. 92107) Please go to the parking lot located between the school and YMCA. Continue through the lot's back gate and park in the back of the school. Additional parking is located in the parking lot between the school and YMCA.
- Rooms can run ahead of schedule so please plan to check in 20-30 minutes prior to your performance time. A warm-up room will be provided.
- All outstanding balances are due at check-in. Students with open balances will not be allowed to perform.
- If you have any additional questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Performance Information
Guidelines governing CMEA SBS Solo & Ensemble Festival
Rating Standards
Standards for rating in the five-division system are listed below with explanatory remarks. Adjudicator ratings will be final; appeals are not permitted. SUPERIOR – reflects the finest conceivable performance for the event and category of participants being judged, worth of the distinction of being recognized as among the very best. It shows outstanding preparation, execution, and interpretation for a formal festival performance, the repertoire is very challenging yet nearly absent of technical errors with very minor flaws in advanced musical concepts and interpretation. This rating shall be reserved for only a truly outstanding performance. EXCELLENT – reflects an exceptional performance in many respects with minor deficiencies in performance, or improper voicing or instrumentation. It shows above average preparation, execution, and interpretation for a formal festival performance, the repertoire is challenging with few technical errors and demonstrated awareness of advanced musical concepts and interpretation. This rating is a performance of distinctive quality. GOOD – reflects a performance that has accomplishment and marked promise. It shows average preparation, execution, and interpretation for a formal festival performance, the repertoire includes few challenges, musically or technically, and demonstrates awareness of only basic musical concepts. FAIR – reflects a performance that has room for improvement. It shows below average preparation, execution, and interpretation for a formal festival performance, the repertoire includes no musical or technical challenges, and lacks demonstrated awareness of basic musical concepts. POOR – reflects a performance that has much need for improvement. It shows unacceptable preparation, execution, and interpretation for a formal festival performance, the repertoire includes no musical or technical challenges, and has many errors in technique and basic musical concepts. Questions or Concerns?
Email Mr. Dwyer - Solo & Ensemble Representative for CMEA-SBS |